Why you should use Linux over Windows for business and commercial use?

September 1, 2021 9:08 pm
Are you wondering if Linux is better than Windows? We will see the advantages of Linux over Windows.

Unlike Windows and Apple iOS, Linux is an open-source operating system which means that Anyone can see the source code and redesign it according to their needs. Linux is also free to install, meaning that you don’t need a license to use it. It has some advantages and disadvantages that have been discussed below.

Mostly all of us grew up with Windows as our first operation system. As MS released new versions, users also upgraded their system with new version. All was going well with till Windows 7 and then came Windows 10 which was more internet focus and required higher hardware specifications. After upgrading to Windows 10, it was totally pathetic experience. Many users felt being tracked and unsafe for privacy being needed frequent updates.

The most important factor holding people back to Windows is the application software that can only be installed on Windows.

The other alternate to Windows is Linux. In few years many Linux distributions have come up with friendly experience like windows.

Reasons for selecting Linux

  • Open Source Nature
  • Secure
  • Can revive older computer
  • Perfect For Programmer
  • Software Update
  • Customization
  • Variety Of Distribution
  • Free to Use
  • Better Community Support
  • Reliability
  • Privacy
  • Solid file system format
  • Configuration data in text file so easy to modify and maintain
  • User limited access prevent accidental system damage

Reasons for not selecting Windows

  • Closed Source Proprietary System
  • Need to buy License
  • System hardware requirements are high
  • Update can break the system
  • Honey pot for Virus and Trojans
  • Can report user privacy data to company
  • Prone to crash due to user mistakes or power failures
  • File system needs to be defragmented
  • Config data in registy that gets bloated and slow over time
  • Anytime can announce End of Support and leave us in dark forcing to upgrade hardware as well as software

See Distrowatch for choosing popular Linux Distribution

I wish to list down some factors where we selected Linux over Windows for commercial and business use

Windows 10


  • User Friendly
  • Renders fonts well
  • Good range of commercial software


  • Needs updates frequently
  • Many programs does not work well with Limited User accounts
  • Gets slow over time
  • Need higher system specs
  • Have to buy licence to use



  • Stable
  • Secure
  • Free to use
  • User / Admin User separation works well
  • Rolling release distro like Arch Linux, is install once and update forever
  • WINE framework run most windows games and software
  • Runs as good as new even after years
  • Low Hardware requirement
  • Lots of options to customize
  • Many good software which are alternate to windows


  • Difficult to select a linux distro
  • User might not be willing to learn basic Linux commands
  • Some commercial software does not run like Solid Works
  • Difficult GUI development
  • Difficult to get programmers willing to work
  • Should have knowledge to get the linux system back running in case of failure